The universities and colleges of Nevada are committed to world-class teaching and research. New technology is being developed to be more energy efficient and the academic programs are rapidly changing to reflect the technical as well as demographic challenges. The campuses are major users of energy and water and our higher education leaders have initiated programs for conservation, renewable energy, and behavioral modification to be more sustainable. UNLV faculty and facilities management will provide an overview of the academic programs, research efforts, and special projects to reduce energy, save water, and deploy renewable energy, and how that attracts students, staff and faculty. Jaeyun Moon, an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, UNLV, and Matthew Whinery, Energy & Utilities Manager, UNLV Facilities Management will be our speakers.
The cost of this meeting is FREE to all members and customers of NV Energy and Southwest Gas
AEE Nevada Chapter is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
© AEE Nevada